Mahabba is a growing network of Christians who long to see God’s kingdom come amongst the Muslims of Belgium. Groups of Christians from various church and cultural backgrounds regularly meet together to pray for the Muslims in their city. Through these times of prayer the church is motivated and mobilised to lovingly witness to their Muslim neighbours.
Mahabba Belgium is looking for someone to help start new groups in Wallonia. We are seeking someone who has a burden for the Muslim peoples of Belgium and believes in the power of prayer. This person will need both French and English, and ideally has knowledge of the churches and denominations in Wallonia.
This is a part-time (7 hours per week) paid position. He/she will be employed through Gave Veste vzw (Christian work with refugees).
If you’d like more information or would like to apply for this vacancy please send your CV and motivation letter to us at info@mahabba.be. Deadline for applications is 29th February 2020.